Smile Love - you know that classic line that someone delivers to you when you're daydreaming*, waiting for a bus or you've posted a dance video and you're not smiling enough for someone's liking?
#SmileLove #VileGov #MileAbove #IsleDove #CrocodileShove #TileGlove #IThoughtMoreWordsRhymedWithLove #IWasWrong #WellIProbablyAmMissingSomeButImBoredNow #WellNotBoredButIJustWantToMoveOnFromThat #ISmileWhenIWantTo #WhyCantIPostAGifOnInstagram #IHadToConvertItToAVideoFirst #TheQualityIsRubbish #ItLooksBetterOnMyWebsite #ThatsWhyImNotSmiling #ThatOrSmilingHurtsMyFace #LikeWhenIWorkedInRetail #IdGetHomeAndMyFaceHurtFromFakeSmiling #WellSometimesIMeantIt #LikeWhenIServedBabySpice #WellIDontThinkISmiledAsIWasInShock #IProbablyJustLookedABitOdd #NormalJocelynStyle
*When I was sat outside London Art Fair one year, someone ruined my daydream to tell me that they were impressed with my daydreaming skills as it was really busy but I looked like I was in another place.